ALERT: Information regarding counterfeit products

Petzl has recently discovered Chinese counterfeit versions of some of their products.

There is a significant risk that these counterfeit products could open or otherwise fail at low loads and under normal use:

These counterfeit products do not meet UIAA or CE safety standards.

These counterfeit products do not meet Petzl safety and quality requirements.

It will be very difficult for you to identify these fakes:

They have been reproduced in a way that makes them very difficult to identify. The following features have been reproduced nearly identically:

  • Design
  • Colour
  • Product markings
  • Batch number
  • Instructions for use (down to the most minor details)
  • Packaging

Only an in-depth analysis allows us to identify these counterfeit products, due to minor differences in the tools used to produce them.

To date, only a few counterfeits have been found on the market, and thus far none in AUSTRALIA. What can you do?

Only purchase from an authorized Petzl retailer to be sure that you are purchasing a genuine Petzl product.
If you have any doubt as to the authenticity of Petzl products, please help us and contact the Petzl authorised distributor Spelean, contact details on this site.

For a list of Petzl retailers, please click here.

If the retailer from whom you purchased your equipment is not listed, please contact Spelean at the email and phone number listed.

These counterfeit products put users’ lives at risk, Petzl is working hard to stop them from reaching the market.


Posted in Product Notices.